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Multi Sport Summer Camps. Registration Open Now!

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Whether your child is new to sports or is a developing star, our flagship Summer Sports Camps at Linbrook School have the perfect summer sports camp for every child! Located in Southeast Oakville, Linbrook School offers premier facilities tucked away on a quiet and spacious campus. Including an indoor gym, multiple sports field and a large blacktop for all different sports. In addition, a classroom will be available, perfect for rainy day activities.

Camp Programming
We pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of camps and activities for every child to enjoy. Between our very popular Multi-Sport Camp and KIDS Camp, we have something for everyone. Throughout each week campers will also have the opportunity to try out different sports like pickleball, volleyball, handball, and frisbee, allowing them to discover new interests and develop skills in a fun and positive environment.

We are excited to bring our summer camps to Oakville for the first time, making it easier than ever before to register for TOP Sports Camps.

Multi-Sport Camps - Available for campers aged 7-12. This camp is the ultimate week of sports, introducing campers to a variety of sports from soccer, lacrosse, basketball, flag football, volleyball and more!

KIDS Camps - For our youngest campers aged 4-6. This camp provides a great positive environment for our youngest campers to start their summer camp journey and experience a wide range of sports and activities

Half-Day Camps - we are offering Half-Day options for KIDS Camps for those campers who want to experience the camp environment for a shorter length of time

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