Planning and Development Council members provided clear direction to staff on Monday night when they unanimously approved a motion brought forth by Mayor Rob Burton. The motion recognized that the Centennial Square lands are an important public asset that should remain under public ownership, and not be considered for sale under any option for the Downtown Cultural Hub. Centennial Square is located north of Lakeshore Road East, West of Navy Street and south of Randall.
“Centennial Square has a special place in the hearts of residents and should remain protected for public use,” Mayor Rob Burton said. “While it will be necessary to monetize some of the property the town owns in the downtown to make new cultural facilities more affordable to taxpayers, we can do this without selling the historic Centennial Square.”
Council is expected to consider the Downtown Cultural Hub later in the spring with information they requested in the fall.
As requested by Council, over the next six to eight weeks, the town will be undertaking a telephone and online public opinion survey to gather input on the Downtown Cultural hub from residents across the town. Staff will also be providing Council with the public input received on the Downtown Oakville Growth Area Review which is looking at how you can grow the downtown in a manner which preserves its historic character while bringing in enough new growth to ensure the long-term vitality of the downtown. In addition staff will be providing further information on how to move forward with the cultural facilities in partnership with public and private groups.
According to Jane Clohecy, commissioner, Community Development for the town, “The Downtown Cultural Hub project will likely be the most significant investment in public infrastructure in our community. We need to provide the public and Council with as much information as possible to assist them in making their decision.”
For more information on the town’s Downtown Cultural Hub project, visit