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Events in Oakville: 18 July 2013


[events_list scope='2013-07-18' sc_id="sc1" sc_id="sc1"]
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    Hot, Humid & Wet. Unfortunately the potential for thunderstorms and rain will not clear the air, so just expect to be hot. Today's high is expected to reach plus 31 and with the humidity adding an additional 12 degrees  - it will feel like 43. The expectation of precipitation by this evening drops to 10 percent. The wind will be coming out of the North-West then South-West by this afternoon at 15 to 20 km/h with gusts up to 38 km/h.

    • Air quality is good

    • UV index is very high

    • Pollen count is low

    The sun rose at 5:53 AM and sets at 8:55 PM. Bring your umbrella as well as a large bottle of water, since you'll likely need both for today. Have great Thursday!
