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Events in Oakville: July 21, 2013


[events_list scope='2013-07-21' sc_id="sc1"]

#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



Beautiful. Isn't it nice to wake up after a week of incredibly hot humid days, and open the windows to feel the fresh air flood your home. All in all - that is what is forecast for today - likely making this Sunday one to remember. Today's high is expected to reach plus 24, plus 3 degrees for the humidity. The sun is expected to shine all day with just a few high clouds. The East wind is blowing through at 15 to 20 km/h.

  • Air quality is good
  • UV index is high
  • Pollen count is low

The sun rose at 5:56 AM and sets at 8:52 PM. Enjoy this wonderful day!
