[events_list scope='2013-07-25' sc_id="sc1" sc_id="sc1"]
#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES
It's cool outside this morning at plus 15, but we'll head up to plus 23. With low humidity, we are in for a perfect afternoon and evening. There is a 10 percent chance for precipitation. The wind is coming out of the East at 10 km/h.
- Air quality is good
- UV Index is very high
- Pollen count is moderate
The sun rose at 6:00 AM and sets at 20:49 PM. RBC Canadian Open players and visitors, you are going to have a perfect Oakville Day. Don't forget --- you can valet park your bike at the Open this year. Have a great day!