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Events in Oakville: June 21, 2013

Events: Oakville RibFest

[events_list scope='2013-06-21' sc_id="sc1" sc_id="sc1"]

#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



Welcome to Summer. It is going to be a sunny warm day in Oakville with the temperature reaching a high of plus 24 and the humidity will raise that up by an additional 3 degrees. There is a 10 percent chance of precipitation. The South-East wind continues blowing at 5 to 10 km/h. 

  • Air quality is good
  • UV index is very high
  • Pollen count is high

The sun rose at 5:36 AM and sets at 9:03 PM - yesterday and today are the longest days of the year. Have a great start to your weekend. There is lots to do in our great town.
