Events: Summerfest
[events_list scope='2013-06-22' sc_id="sc1" sc_id="sc1"]
#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES
Sorry sailing enthusiasts it isn't going to be a good day to be out on the water. This morning is looking grey, but we just might see a little sunshine. However by this afternoon and right through this evening there is a 70 percent chance of rain and thunderstorms. Today's high is expected to reach plus 26 and the humidity will make it feel more like plus 34. The humidity will last right through the rest of the day. There is a light 15 km/h South-West wind.
- Air quality is moderate
- UV index is moderate
- Pollen count is high
Today is the first time this year where daylight is shortening, but only by a minute. The sun rose at 5:37 AM and sets at 9:03 AM. Have a great day!