Events: Strawberry Tea
[events_list scope='2013-06-23' sc_id="sc1"]
#_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES
Welcome to the swamp. With 94 percent humidity this morning, the air is laden with moisture. We start off this morning at plus 19 and will reach a high of plus 28, but it will feel 9 degrees hotter. The South-West wind will pick up slightly to 20km/h. Thunderstorms and rain are expected on and off through-out the day, but the sun just might pop out occasionally.
- Air quality is moderate
- UV index is very high
- Pollen count is moderate
The sun rose at 5:34 AM and sets at 9:04 PM. With this amount of humidity it is suggested that people with lung issues refrain from heavy exertion. Enjoy your day.