Halton is raising alarm bells over what they describe as chronic underfunding of Ontario Works, leaving vulnerable residents struggling to afford basic necessities.
Ontario Works (OW) is an income support program that provides financial and employment assistance to low-income individuals and families that covers basic living expenses, such as food and housing.
A regional report revealed that in 2024, an average of 3,102 cases representing 5,548 beneficiaries received OW assistance each month — an increase of nearly 27 per cent over the previous year. Despite this, provincial funding has remained stagnant since 2018, only now seeing a modest increase for 2025 that officials say is "insufficient" to meet growing demands.
Halton Hills Mayor Ann Lawlor voiced frustration during the most recent Halton regional council meeting as she described the report’s 'sad' findings. While topics like public safety often take centre stage, the dire reality of food insecurity and housing instability often goes unnoticed.
“Think about the uproar that there was, continuously, about safety in Halton and how people feel vulnerable,” Lawlor said. “Well, talk about vulnerability — people not having food, not having shelter, people who are disabled who can’t afford to pay the rent and have to beg at food banks.”
Lawlor said she wants to see these issues be brought to the public’s attention more.
“Be honest about the effect that this travesty is having on our population,” she said.
Alex Sarchuk, Halton’s commissioner of social and community services, echoed these concerns, pointing to the impossibility of surviving on current Ontario Works rates. A single recipient receives just $733 per month, while a single mother with two children gets $1,057 — amounts that fall far below the cost of living.
“No surprise, we’re seeing growth in encampments,” Sarchuk said. “This system places people at greater risk of food insecurity, other challenges, housing instability.”
He added: “This is a little bit of a ‘dirty secret’ in Ontario that isn’t really spoken about publicly.”
As the discussion continued, Oakville Councillor Janet Haslett-Theall focused on the overwhelming workload facing caseworkers, whose caseloads have skyrocketed. Each caseworker, responsible for managing the needs of recipients, now handles an average of 180 cases — far beyond the recommended maximum of 120.
While staff is expected to return next year with recommendations to address the workload issue, she urged that steps be taken sooner.
“What do you need from us to make that happen?” she asked.
Sarchuk acknowledged the urgency, but cautioned that additional funding requests may need to wait until the new provincial funding model is finalized next year. Depending on how the province proceeds, further resources may need to be sought in the 2026 budget.
Councillors, however, urged staff not to hesitate in requesting more support.
“I would just encourage you not to hesitate, because we’ve heard promises before,” Haslett-Theall said. “We have an underlying issue that's already in front of us that's only going to get worse and those individuals can't support and be productive without additional resources and it really — as Mayor Lawlor said — needs to be on the front page of the paper.”
As food insecurity continues to worsen, Burlington Councillor Lisa Kearns raised concerns about the impact on children and youth in the community.
“This is a topic that incites significant anger and hope in me,” Kearns said. “We need to continue to look at ways in which we can optimize space and give that food to the food banks — in the absence of universal basic income or additional subsidy programs.”
She called for greater advocacy to support the community.