The Halton Region is growing rapidly. Its present Regional Police Service is serving, and contributing to, the health and well being of about 530,000 residents and the population is expanding quickly. To provide the quality of Police Service the region and its citizens both require and deserve moving forward, the collective minds of the Halton Regional Police Service Board with Mayor Rob Burton, Board Chair, decided that building a new police headquarters is determined to be the best solution.

The Halton Region Police Service is World Class! The Ground-breaking Celebration. Photo Credit: Janet Bedford
According to Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr, “The Halton Region Police Service is world class. It is the best and deserves the best; this includes a centralized headquarters that houses a world class firearms training facility, and an evidence management, and a state of the art forensic laboratory. To celebrate, the police cars and motor cycles have a stylish new look. Even a highly trained police dog and its trainer were represented at this celebration - and are world class.”
To celebrate the groundbreaking of the new police headquarters, a 235,000 square foot, four story facility located at 2485 North Service Road just south of the Halton Region Centre, Mayor Rob Burton kicked off the ceremony by talking about the impact the new police headquarters will have on the community. Mayor Burton says that, “The project has required leadership, innovation and careful planning that has been at least 10 years in the making. It will act as a central hub for Halton Regional Police Service training, forensics, evidence management and police administration”
Halton Police Chief Stephen Tanner says, “Over the years, from 1991 until now, we have outgrown our present facility. The training environment in this facility is not adequate from a number of different perspectives. For example, we have a growing number of officers to train now. The new proposed $65 million headquarters will, and is expected to, serve policing needs in Halton until at least 2042.”
The building is designed by Rebanks Pepper Littlewood Architects Inc. and the General Contractor is Eastern Construction Company Ltd, both from Toronto. Work is scheduled to begin in the fall of 2017 with construction taking about 21 months.
Trust, Respect, Accountability, Excellence, Teamwork and Justice are the ultimate goals of the Halton Regional Police Service. Under the Police Services Act, the Police’s fundamental responsibility is to ensure adequate and effective police services are provided to the citizens of Halton Region. Let’s celebrate the new facility with our police as the building takes shape and becomes a part of our Halton community.