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Halton MP going the distance for cancer-stricken youth

Adam van Koeverden to ride 800 km from Toronto to New York City in support of Campfire Circle

Adam van Koeverden made many visits to Sick Kids during his high-decorated kayaking career.

With Olympic medals on hand for show and tell, he’d share success stories with the young patients in the hopes of lifting a few spirits.

What he’d come to discover was that the inspiration worked both ways.

“I made some great friends and have engaged with some young champions who are truly amazing,” said the world-class athlete turned Milton MP. “And it really opened my eyes to how important supporting institutions like children’s hospitals and camps like Campfire Circle is. They do such essential work.”

To aid the efforts of the latter, van Koeverden is once again embarking on an arduous five-day, 800-km trek from Toronto to New York City – looking to raise $10,000 for the young campers.

Adam van Koeverden gets a little encouragement for one of his 800km rides in support of Campfire Circle. Supplied photo

“I’ve been up to camp a few times to visit, go paddling. It’s been a really important and inspiring thing for me,” said van Koeverden, who’s made two previous fundraising trips to the Big Apple and will be part of 60-rider team this time around.

Heading out on the journey next Wednesday (Sept. 11), van Koeverden says training has been going well, but realizes he’s in for some gruelling stretches – including the massive Finger Lakes climbs in upstate New York.

“I might ask myself what I was thinking – but I already know the answer,” he said. “I’m fortunate to be healthy and able, and I’m privileged to be in a position to give back a bit and support people and an organization that’s making such a big difference.”

van Koeverden is a well-known Olympic rower who spent most of his training years in Oakville. He is now the federal MP for Milton.

Click here to make a donation or for more information on the ride and Campfire Circle.




