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Learning foundation shines spotlight on needs of students and schools

HLF Month kicks off with next week with a flag raising Wednesday, April 3.
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As the only charity that exclusively supports the students and schools of the Halton District School Board (HDSB), the Halton Learning Foundation’s goal is to continue to say ‘yes’ to every student who needs some financial support to help them reach their potential.

So far this school year, the Halton Learning Foundation (HLF) has provided a financial helping hand for almost 1,900 students – a 75 per cent increase over the past two years.

“April has been designated as HLF Month at the HDSB in recognition of the important role HLF plays in helping our students come to school prepared to learn,” said Curtis Ennis, HDSB’s Director of Education. “It’s an opportunity for schools and individuals in our communities to help raise awareness and funds for the financial supports that many students need to fully engage in learning, like school supplies, food, clothing and learning opportunities.”

HLF Month will officially kick off with a flag raising at the HDSB’s JW Singleton Centre in Burlington on April 3.

Marc Clare, HLF’s CEO, is inviting schools, individuals and organizations to get involved in HLF Month by organizing an event, such as a challenge, in the month of April.

To register or join an individual or a team for HLF Month, or to donate online, visit: Students Helping Students. CN has come aboard as the presenting sponsor of HLF Month and will match all donations to HLF Month, up to a total of $25,000.

A highlight of HLF Month is Students in the Spotlight, which takes place in person on Tuesday, April 23 at Dr. Frank J. Hayden Secondary School in Burlington. This event will feature talented students from across the HDSB. The community is welcome to join in the fun by purchasing tickets for this live event and fundraiser.




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