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Meet Oakville's Liberal candidates for the upcoming provincial election

Alison Gohel
Alison Gohel

While a provincial election hasn’t yet been formally declared, the march toward a June vote has political hopefuls out knocking on doors.

Liberal candidates Alison Gohel (Oakville riding) and Kaniz Mouli (Oakville North-Burlington) are first-time political candidates looking to unseat Progressive Conservative incumbents Stephen Crawford and Effie Triantafilopoulos.

Alison Gohel - Oakville riding

In late 2020, Alison Gohel beat out current town councillor Sean O’Meara in a tight contest for the Oakville nomination.

Alison Gohel
Alison Gohel

A Glen Abbey resident, Gohel works as a manager in the tax and legal department of a multinational professional services company. She is also a mother of two and a part-time law student.

While knocking on doors, Gohel says she has been hearing concerns about the school system and the Ford government’s track record on the environment, as well as a lot of frustration with the recent Metrolinx decision to abandon plans for an underpass at the Kerr Street rail crossing.

“I drive through there personally almost every day, and I know how dangerous it is,” she said.

Gohel believes an underpass is needed for both pedestrians and vehicles to cross safely, particularly as the area grows and train traffic increases.

“When issues such as the Kerr Street underpass come up, we need to make sure we have a strong advocate who's fighting for Oakville at Queen’s Park.”

Gohel said recent Liberal policy announcements, including a regional living wage plan and an equity program to boost female participation in the workforce, are a few planks in a fully costed platform that the party will unveil closer to election day.

“We're making sure that we have a plan for that so that Ontarians have a choice and the people have a choice in June.”

Kaniz Mouli - Oakville North-Burlington (ONB) riding

Palermo resident Kaniz Mouli was in the final months of pregnancy with her first son when she decided to seek the Liberal nomination for the Oakville North-Burlington riding.

Kanzi Mouli
Kanzi Mouli

She says concerns with the government’s approach to education drove her decision.

“My parents moved here (from Bangladesh) for the betterment of my education,” said Mouli. “I grew up in a working-class family, but I was able to go to university, do my MBA and achieve my dream. I thought that was at risk for future generations, including my son.”

Mouli has worked as a management professional in the financial services sector, as well as a consultant for both the private and public sectors.

“I have worn quite a few different hats, and I really believe I can bring in various perspectives,” she said. “I’ve seen how policies are made, both from a political perspective but also just from the legislative side of things.”

Now the mother of a 17-month-old son who was born at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, Mouli says she hopes to promote educational and environmental issues to protect the quality of life for future generations.

“For me, I think it's really important that you have a champion who lives in the riding and who faces the same issues.”


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