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Oakville's Katie Bowie elected as HCDSB Student Trustee

St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School, Grade 10 honour roll student, Katie Bowie was elected as one of three Student Trustees for the Halton Catholic District School Board.
Katie Bowie is in the top right frame | HCDSB
Katie Bowie is in the top right frame | HCDSB

On Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021, the election of the new Student Trustees took place to represent students of the Halton Catholic District School Board (HCDSB) for the 2021-2022 school year. The students elected this year are Katie Bowie (Oakville), Gabriela Masri Ahmar (Burlington), and  Alicia Tokiwa (Georgetown). 

All HCDSB secondary schools submitted candidates that demonstrated extensive involvement in their respective school, parish and local communities, as well as those individuals who demonstrated a strong commitment to their faith. 

Congratulations to the following three (3) Student Trustees elected for the 2021-2022 school year!

Katie Bowie

Katie is currently a Grade 10 honour roll student at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Secondary School in Oakville. She is a lead Student Senator, Co-Chair of the debate team, and a lead member of MP Pam Damoff’s Youth Advisory Council. Katie and her family are members of the St. Matthew Parish community. 

“It’s such an honour to be elected as one of next year’s Student Trustees, and I’m so appreciative that our Student Senate elected me to represent the Oakville region. I’m very excited to see all of the great work that we and all of the Student Senate will accomplish, and I can’t wait to work with my amazing fellow Trustees!”

– Katie Bowie, 2021-2022 Student Trustee

Gabriela Masri Ahmar

Gabriela is currently a Grade 11 honour roll student at Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School in Burlington. She is a Student Senator and member of the Athletic Council. Gabriela and her family are members of the St. Charbel church community.

“It is a huge honour to be elected as Burlington’s Student Trustee, for the 2021-2022 school year. I am thrilled to start working with the Student Senate and fellow Student Trustees, and I am certain that we will do amazing things next year! Looking forward to seeing what next year has in store for us!”

– Gabriela Masri Ahmar, 2021-2022 Student Trustee

Alicia Tokiwa

Alicia is currently a Grade 11 honour roll student at Christ the King Catholic Secondary School in Georgetown. She is a DECA chapter Co-Chair, Student Senator, and member of the field hockey, badminton, flag football, and track and field teams. Alicia and her family are members of the Holy Cross parish community. 

“I feel so honoured to have been voted in by my peers and I can’t wait to create positive change in our HCDSB community. I am incredibly excited to work alongside two amazing Student Trustees, as well as our incredible Board members and students.”

– Alicia Tokiwa, 2021-2022 Student Trustee

What is a Student Trustee?

  • Student Trustees are senior (Grade 11 and 12) high school students that have been elected by the Student Senate to represent all of the students in a Board.
  • Every school board in Ontario has at least one Student Trustee. Our board has three; one to represent Burlington, another for Oakville, and yet another to represent North Halton.
What do they do?

Student Trustees attend all regular board meetings and sit at the board table. Although they have a non-binding vote, they are allowed to voice their opinions on important issues. Student Trustees are the essential connection between students and Trustees, Senior Administration, and stakeholders of the Board. Student Trustees run the Student Senate.
