Today the Oakville Federal Liberal Association (OFLA) announces the creation of a Candidate Search Committee in preparation for the 2015 General Election. This action demonstrates not only the association’s commitment to following democratic principles but also to upholding Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s pledge to conduct open nominations in every riding in the country.
In announcing the creation of the committee, OFLA President John-Frederick Cameron said, “Our association is committed to an open, democratic, vigorous and hotly contested nomination process to choose our candidate. We look forward to a vibrant debate of ideas among contestants so that our members can make an informed decision.”
The Search Committee will be made up of two Board Members and up to two members of our Association. Members who wish to recommend someone or individuals who are interested in seeking the nomination will contact candidatesearch@
The community benefits from this 'democratic' approach as opposed to appointed or anointed candidates. - John-Frederick Cameron
The selection process will begin as soon as the 2012 Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission of Ontario completes its mandate and any changes to the existing riding boundaries or name are put into effect. The Board is committed to an open and contested nomination process.