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Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital received $9.6 million in donations

Oakville Hospital Foundation released its annual update.
Surgical Patient Care OTMH | Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital
Surgical Patient Care OTMH | Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital

Oakville Hospital Foundation (OHF) is the fundraising arm for the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH), which recently released its year in review. Total revenue was $11.4 million.

"Few predicted how long this pandemic would last, how wave after wave would mean constant changes in social norms and how dramatically the world and indeed our Oakville community would change," said Mary McPherson, OHF CEO. 

Over the past year, 8,690 individuals donated $9.6 million for an average gift of $1,100. Donations account for 84% of OHF's revenue, and 72 per cent of the funding is spent on new equipment. 

This year, OTMH's emergency department was visited 75,002, the highest used area. This was followed by the mental health outpatient department, which recorded 62,508 visits. The cardio clinic had 59,915 visits, oncology recorded 19,476, and the maternity recorded 2,870 births. 

OHF funding highlights

  • Equipment for the emergency department and laboratory 
  • Upgrades to the automated dispensing units for medications
  • Redesign of the cancer clinic pharmacy
  • Creation of the new cardio-oncology programs
  • Advanced the navigator programs, which are funded 100% by donations

"Despite everything, our dedicated donors and volunteers rose to the challenge to make sure Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital healthcare teams had what they needed to care for our community," continued McPherson.

Click here to donate: Oakville Hospital Foundation ways to give.


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