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Superheroes visit Downtown Oakville

Superheroes | Geoff Godard
Superheroes | Geoff Godard

Spiderman visited Oakville on Sunday. So did Batman and a host of superheroes thanks to Duran Place, a kid’s place at the corner of Robinson and Reynolds in Downtown Oakville.

Spiderman | Spiderman practicing physical distancing at Reynolds and Robinson in Downtown Oakville. Photo Credit: Geoff Godard | Geoff Godard
Spiderman | Spiderman practicing physical distancing at Reynolds and Robinson in Downtown Oakville. Photo Credit: Geoff Godard | Geoff Godard

Tina De Cresci with her husband Claudio Duran created Duran Place “For Kids” last year. Unfortunately with the Covid 19 business it closed for kids and everyone else in March like so many other establishments in Oakville. Then they had the idea of letting kids know that the superhero set were on our side.

A message was sent and the superheroes responded. Through Instagram and Facebook Duran Place let people know. A lot of parents eager to get some advice on how to survive the lockdown came to meet the superheroes. And they brought a lot of kids looking for reassurance that all will be well.

Reassurance they got.

Interviewing Spiderman, the writer found out what he was capable of: super strength, a need to fight injustice wherever it occurs, and spidey senses which let him know when and where he is needed. He said he had already sensed that he and his friends were needed Sunday morning in Oakville and put them on alert. When the message came they were ready. And they came.

Children having fun with Spiderman at Duran Place. Photo Credit: Geoff Goddard | Geoff Goddard
Children having fun with Spiderman at Duran Place. Photo Credit: Geoff Goddard | Geoff Goddard

Spiderman had words of advice for the many dozens of kids who gathered to hear from him and the others: “Stay safe, be strong and eat your vegetables”. Batman echoed his advice but cautioned those who would follow the superhero path: “With great strength comes great responsibility!”

Then they were gone.

This was not the first time the superheroes came to Duran Place. And it won’t be the last. Stay tuned.

Batman at Duran Place. Photo Credit: Geoff Godard | Geoff Godard
Batman at Duran Place. Photo Credit: Geoff Godard | Geoff Godard


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