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Take care around water as deep snow begins to melt, cautions Conservation Halton

Follow these tips as banks become slippery, ice thin and unstable and water deeper and faster than usual
Water can be dangerous at this time of year.

Conservation Halton reminds residents of dangers that can exist near streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes. As spring approaches with warmer temperatures, rain, melting snow and shifting ice can contribute to higher, faster flowing water in local watercourses.

Conservation Halton’s watershed has received above-normal snowfall over the last several weeks. As temperatures begin to rise, melting snow and additional rain will contribute to higher water levels and faster flow within local streams. Waterbodies and larger creek systems with partial ice cover can be hazardous as the ice begins to break up. Slippery, unstable streambanks, and extremely cold water temperatures can also lead to hazardous conditions close to waterbodies.​

Spring safety tips for residents:

  • Keep people and pets away from the edges of all bodies of water.
  • Avoid all recreational activities in or around water, especially waterbodies with ice cover.
  • Do not attempt to walk on ice-covered waterbodies.
  • Do not attempt to drive through flooded roads or fast-moving water.
  • If you live close to water, move objects such as chairs or benches away from the edge to avoid losing them during potential high waters.
  • Avoid walking close to or across riverbanks and ice-covered water to prevent falling through. Riverbanks can become unstable due to snowmelt and erosion.
  • Rescuing anyone from icy water is dangerous. If you see a person or pet that has fallen through the ice, call 911 immediately.

For more information, contact your local Conservation Authority.

  • Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority             (905) 895-1281
  • Toronto & Region Conservation Authority                   (416) 661-6514
  • Conservation Halton                                                      (905) 336-1158
  • Credit Valley Conservation                                            (905) 670-1615
  • Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority              (905) 579-0411
  • Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority                 (905) 885-8173
  • Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority               (705) 424-1479
  • Kawartha Conservation                                                 (705) 328-2271

Conservation Halton’s Flood Forecasting and Operations Program:

Conservation Halton provides a flood forecasting and operations program to reduce the risk of property damage and loss of life due to flooding.

When flooding is possible or about to occur, Conservation Halton issues flood messages to municipal emergency management officials, school boards, police, EMS, and the media. Municipal officials take action to warn local residents. Residents are also encouraged to subscribe to Conservation Halton’s Flood Messages via email.

Conservation Halton is responsible for the maintenance and operation of four major flood control dams (Kelso, Hilton Falls, Scotch Block and Mountsberg) and over 12 kilometers of flood conveyance channels (Sixteen Mile Creek through Milton, Morrison-Wedgewood diversion in Oakville and the Rambo-Hager diversion in Burlington).

Conservation Halton is a community-based environmental agency dedicated to protecting people, property and natural resources from flooding, erosion, and other natural hazards. As one of Ontario’s 36 Conservation Authorities, we steward 1,000 square kilometres of conservation lands. From the Lake Ontario shoreline to the Niagara Escarpment and beyond, we safeguard forests, wetlands and waterways through science-based conservation, land management and climate resilience initiatives. Our eight conservation areas welcome more than a million visitors each year and offer opportunities to connect with nature through recreation and education. Learn more at



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