Local marketing group Visit Oakville is beginning a study to continue over the winter called the "Oakville Storytelling Project," and has opened an online survey to collect ideas from local residents regarding stories to be promoted and shared.
"Visit Oakville has embarked on a new project to tell the stories of Oakville and get to the heart of what makes Oakville, Oakville" according to the project's introduction.
They say this new initiative is "designed to increase visitation and spend, while also celebrating how and why Oakville is such a great place to live, work, and visit. "
Leading the study is their outreach looking for community input via an online survey, asking residents and local businesses to complete it "as a means of including as many perspectives as possible."
The survey will remain open for two weeks, ending on Monday, February 26, 2024. Results are expected to be shared later this Spring.
"Oakville is more than just a location on a map; it is a vibrant community with a rich tapestry of history, culture, attractions, and opportunities," says Rebecca Edgar, Visit Oakville's Executive Director. "To showcase the true essence of our town, a unifying narrative that encapsulates the unique character of Oakville is needed."
"A well-crafted destination narrative serves as a guiding light. A strong and successful destination narrative will boost visitation and spend and enable our community to thrive even more."
A link is available here to access the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OakvilleStorytelling
Visit Oakville says the ultimate the goal of the project is to, "identify and create storytelling opportunities that encapsulate Oakville’s unique identity. Rooted in research and developed together with the community, the narrative will streamline how Oakville presents itself as a tourism destination. "
The work will be done in tandem with Bannikin, a Canadian-based consultancy, to research and develop a new brand narrative for the destination of Oakville as a town.
Visit Oakville describes themselves as a "not-for-profit Destination Marketing Organization that represents the local tourism and business community."
More details on the project and on "the many amazing things to do and places to visit in Oakville" can be found on their website VisitOakville.com.