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Ward 3 Debate Video - be an informed voter

Ward 3 Debate Ward 1 Debate Ward 5 Debate 2018 Municipal Ward Boundaries | Town of Oakville
Ward 3 Debate Ward 1 Debate Ward 5 Debate 2018 Municipal Ward Boundaries | Town of Oakville

Here is the Ward 3 Debate on October 10, 2018. Since not all residents can attend debates, these videos provide information about each of the candidates running for:

  1. Town Councillor
  2. Town & Regional Councillor
  3. Boards of Education Trustees

Ward 3 Debate

Town Councillor Candidates

  1. Janet Haslett-Theall
  2. Cell: 416-579-8309
  3. [email protected]
  5. Nick Hutchins
  6. Home: 905-849-8259
  7. [email protected]
  9. Vivianne MacKinnon
  10. Cell: 416-931-4475
  11. [email protected]

Town & Regional Councillor Acclaimed

  1. Dave Gittings

Public School Board Trustee Candidates

  1. Tanya Rocha
  2. [email protected]
  4. May Xie
  5. Cell: 416-200-0352
  6. [email protected]

Catholic School Board Trustee Candidates

The Town of Oakville's Catholic schools will be represented by three trustees

Additional Information:

Date of the Oakville municipal election is October 22, 2018.

Ward 3 boundaries

Ward 3 Debate Image Credit: Town of Oakville

Image Credit: Town of Oakville

  1. Southern boundary - Lake Ontario
  2. Eastern boundary - Sixteen Mile Creek
  3. Northern boundary - QEW/403
  4. Western boundary - Winston Churchill

Complete information about the Ontario Municipal Election

Oakville News does not endorse candidates.


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