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Town opens up additional outdoor pools on Saturday

outdoor pools | Andrii Leonov on Unsplash
outdoor pools | Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

To help beat the summer heat, two additional town-operated outdoor pools, Brookdale and Bronte, will open tomorrow on Saturday, July 25, and another indoor pool at Iroquois Ridge Community Centre will open on August 1.

Brookdale Pool - West Oakville

Brookdale Pool Click for detailed map © OpenStreetMap contributors CC BY-SA

Click for detailed map © OpenStreetMap contributors CC BY-SA

Bronte Pool

Bronte Pool Click for detailed map © OpenStreetMap contributors CC BY-SA

Click for detailed map © OpenStreetMap contributors CC BY-SA

“We are pleased to learn pre-registered swims at our previously opened locations have had great uptake with more than 93 per cent capacity for the first week,” said Mayor Rob Burton. “We have rigorous safety measures in place to help keep our staff and customers safe. This includes pre-screening all pool visitors, extensive training on safety protocols for staff, touch point disinfection between swims and physical distancing rules with signage to remind users of the all the new distancing measures and restrictions.”

Swimmers can pre-book their swim times online at or call 905-815-2000. To manage restricted capacities, only pre-registered customers will be admitted.

Admission fees are $4 for seniors and youth, and $5 for adults. In addition to length and leisure swims, Bronte and Brookdale will also offer family swims for $15, which includes access for up to five individuals within your immediate social circle. Credit card payments can be made at the time of booking. Cash will not be accepted on site. If you require support with alternate payment options, please call 905-815-2000.

The town is gradually opening its pools in compliance with Halton Public Health, Lifesaving Society and provincial protocols, which includes reduced numbers of people to meet physical distancing guidelines. Swim times currently vary from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the type of swim (length swims are 45 minutes and leisure/family swims are 1.5 hours). A thorough cleaning is conducted between each swim block.

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 while using indoor and outdoor pools by following these guidelines:

  • Do not come to the pool if you are sick.

  • Customers will be asked a verbal health questionnaire before entering the pool. Anyone exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms will not be allowed to enter.

  • Always stay 2 metres apart from those not in your group.

  • Wash or sanitize your hands regularly, especially after touching shared surfaces.

  • Follow instructions while at the pool from staff and on signage.

  • Limited lawn chairs and/or loungers are available and are disinfected prior to the next swim.

  • Arrive wearing bathing attire as change rooms will not be available.  Washrooms will remain open.

  • Shower at home in advance, if possible, as showers will only be accessible prior to entering the pool.

  • Remember, equipment will not be available for use with the exception of lifejackets, which will be disinfected between users. Visitors can bring in their own equipment to use, subject to approval by on-site staff.

Other regulations including commonly asked questions and answers are online. All other regular pool admission rules apply.

“Staff in our facilities and programming areas had to implement a lot of new protocols to keep residents and visitors safe and healthy. I encourage residents to continue to follow all health protocols while using these amenities including follow physical distancing and proper hand washing. And, stay home if you are not well. Let’s continue to flatten the curve,” added Mayor Burton.

Lions Wedgewood and Falgarwood outdoor pools and Queen Elizabeth Park indoor pool are already open and available for pre-booked swims and limited swimming lessons. Limited additional private swimming lessons were added at Falgarwood and Bronte Pool, and leadership courses will be added at Iroquois Pool to address waitlists.


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