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Council Endorses In Principle Funding Metrolinx Strategy

Town Council has unanimously approved a motion to support in principle the investment strategy put forth by Metrolinx to help fund major transit expansion across the Greater Toronto Hamilton area (GTHA). Metrolinx released its strategy identifying new transit funding tools on May 27, 2013, and sought feedback from municipal governments across the province.

“Council recognizes that improving transit across the GTHA is essential to ensuring our quality of life,” said Oakville Mayor Rob Burton. “At the same time, we want to ensure a fair return for the public’s investment in transit and it is important Metrolinx strive to match funding sources with those who will benefit most from the transit improvements.”

While the motion unanimously approved by Council supports in principle the Metrolinx investment strategy, it also encourages Metrolinx to better match funding sources with those who benefit most, and advises Metrolinx that the Town of Oakville opposes any impact on property taxes by capital or operating expenses of the Big Move projects. Council also asked that the province and Metrolinx work together to bring further clarity to municipalities on key elements of the recommended strategy, including the funding for the operating costs of new transit initiatives.

“Ultimately it’s up to the provincial government to decide which investment tools it will implement to ensure long-term sustainable funding for transit and we encourage all parties to work together to find a solution to the costly traffic congestion that plagues the GTHA,” added Mayor Burton.

For more information on Metrolinx’s investment strategy — Investing in our Region, Investing in our Future — and the Big Move project, visit the Metrolinxwebsite.
