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Catch the GO-VAXX bus on Tuesday

Government of Ontario
Government of Ontario

The GO-VAXX bus, Ontario's mobile vaccination clinic, will make a stop in Oakville on Tuesday, Mar. 7 at Trafalgar Park Community Centre, on 133 Rebecca Street. Vaccines, including booster shots, will be available from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for anyone aged five and above.

Appointments and walk-ins are accepted. 

The province of Ontario and Metrolinx felt that a bus traveling around from city to city - and stopping over at malls, community centres, and events - would be convenient and effective in boosting vaccination rates. 

The mobile vaccine clinic has all the necessary supplies and personnel.

According to the province of Ontario, if you would like to get vaccinated at a GO-VAXX bus or mobile indoor clinic, remember to:

  • bring your health card — if you do not have a health card or if it’s expired, bring another form of government-issued photo identification such as a driver’s licence, passport, status card or birth certificate
  • eat and drink something before you arrive at your appointment to prevent feeling faint or dizzy while being vaccinated
  • dress for the weather in case there is a line-up
  • wear clothing that allows for easy access to your upper arm, such as a loose-fitting top or a t-shirt
  • bring a mask as you may be required to wear one

Do not visit the GO-VAXX bus or mobile indoor vaccine clinics if you have symptoms of COVID-19.
