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Oakville Budget Committee to review proposed 2014 Rates & Fees

Photo: Town of Oakville
Photo: Town of Oakville

Every year as part of the annual budget process, the Town of Oakville reviews the rates and fees it charges for hundreds of programs and services offered to the community. Residents are invited to provide feedback about the proposed increases to Oakville’s 2014 rates and fees on Monday, November 4, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. in Council Chamber.

“Our user fees are one of the ways we take pressure off of the overall residential property tax bill,” Oakville Mayor Rob Burton said. “User fees allow us to ensure the continued delivery of the programs and services that residents tell us they value most.”

Under the Municipal Act, municipalities have the authority to impose fees or charges for any activity or service provided, but cannot charge more than the cost to provide those programs and services. The main user fees paid by Oakville residents are transit fares, facility and field rentals, recreation program fees, building and planning permit fees, and parking rates.

As part of the rates and fees review, Oakville Transit is considering various fare increases to help balance the municipal contribution to transit operating costs with transit fare revenues. In addition, recent provincial legislation requires additional spending on the delivery of specialized transit services.

Oakville Transit fares, even with the proposed changes, continue to be among the lowest when compared to other similar sized transit agencies in the GTA. As a result of higher fuel costs and other inflationary impacts, Oakville Transit is faced with higher operating costs to provide transit services. Oakville will continue to provide the same level of service, including free Monday transit for seniors.

At the November 4 meeting, the Budget Committee will discuss the proposed changes to Oakville’s existing rates and fees including the phase out of the seniors’ discount for recreation programs and membership, as well as the estimated costs of administering and enforcing the Building Code Act.

“The rates and fees review is an important element of our annual budget process,” said Budget Chair Councillor Tom Adams. “As we continue with our 2014 budget, we will be working towards our target of keeping the overall tax increase in line with inflation, reducing tax supported debt, and building and maintaining our infrastructure. The review of rates and fees will occur in this context.”

All submissions whether in person, writing, email or social media, will be considered as part of the Budget Committee deliberations. Those wishing to appear before the Budget Committee as a delegate can register by emailing [email protected] or calling 905-815-6015 by noon on Friday, November 1, 2013. Alternately, residents can email their comments to [email protected].

The proposed 2014 Rates and Fees can be viewed on or in person at Town Hall at the ServiceOakville customer service desk. The Budget Committee recommendations will be presented to Council for approval on November 18 at 7 p.m. in Council Chamber at Town Hall. The approved 2014 Rates and Fees will be implemented effective January 1, 2014.
