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Oakville, Help all Residents Rejoice!

Charities in Oakville: Oakville News
Charities in Oakville: Oakville News

Donating locally, much like eating locally has become more and more popular in recent years. There are a number of dynamic local charities helping the needy in Oakville. Yes, there are lots and lots of people in Oakville who through no fault of their own have gotten into a position of requiring assistance. For some it is chronic due to health or age, and for some it is a short term hand-up that gets them through a difficult time of job loss, financial tragedy or health set back.

Here are a few of the local groups that step up to the plate all year, and help.

The Oakville Fareshare Food Bank is located at 1240 Speers Road between 3rd and 4th Lines and has been providing assistance to families that are missing the necessity of food. Over 400 families rely on the Food Bank in Oakville.

Currently, the food bank is looking for these specific items:

• Tinned Salmon

• Chunky Stew

• Ravioli/Spaghettio’s

• Tinned Ham

• Pasta Sauce

• Instant Coffee

• Canned Fruit

The Salvation Army runs the Lighthouse Shelter for the homeless in Oakville. Often our community does not realize that there are people who are homeless. The shelter is located at 750 Redwood Square, just west of 4th Line off the South Service Road. They are looking for cash donations, men’s hygiene products, winter clothing and toys for children. You can drop off your donation at the Shelter.

Kerr Street Ministries is located at 485 Kerr Street just south of Speers Road. One of the busiest spots in town. They serve over 5000 people. Kerr Street Ministries has become extremely well known in our community for serving the needs of the less fortunate through multitude of programs not just aimed at adults but also youth. Kerr Street Ministries is asking for Gift Cards: Metro or Loblaws for food, and Walmart or Target for gifts.

The Halton Women’s Centre is located at 1515 Rebecca Street Unit 215 in what is now the South Oakville Centre previously known as Hopedale Mall. I had the honor to tell the story of three women who needed the centre: Being Beaten is Not a Loving Act. The women walking into the shelter are shell shocked often from years of surviving abuse. Some are young mothers, and others are elderly women – they all need help. Halton Women’s Centre has 12 families who have suffered from abuse who they are trying to find assistance for during the holiday’s, along with countless more. They are requesting cash donations or gifts cards to Walmart or Target.

Safetynet is one of the few charities that accepts clothing. They support  1350 families a year. The clothing often is used at an interview and then afterwards for a new job. It is often impossible to get a job, if they have nothing appropriate to wear. They are also hoping to receive toys as well as cash donations. So if you have a suit or dress shirt that you aren’t using, it might help to secure a new job for a person in need.

There is one other group of individuals who have their ear tuned in to the community and those are the religious leaders. Should you belong to a faith community and are looking to help someone in need, these leaders just might know of someone you can help. So this holiday season, let’s make it a happy one for all the residents of Oakville.
