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Get the Flu Shot: Clinics Begin October 15, 2013

Halton Region’s seasonal influenza (flu) immunizations clinics will begin on October 15. Flu immunizations will also be available at many pharmacies (for those aged five years and older), as well as in doctors’ offices, walk-in clinics, and at many workplaces.

“This year, Halton Region is working with pharmacies, doctors’ offices, walk-in clinics and some workplaces to ensure residents will have several options for getting immunized,” said Regional Chair Gary Carr. “The Region is also hosting 28 flu immunization clinics throughout Halton.”

Recommended for all those six months of age and older

Getting the flu vaccine every year is the most important way to protect against the flu. It also helps to prevent the spread of the virus to those who are vulnerable to complications of the flu. Most healthy people recover from the flu within a few days; however, influenza infection can lead to pneumonia, hospitalization and even death, especially in the elderly, those under five years of age, and those of all ages with certain chronic health conditions.

The following actions can also help protect against getting the flu:

• Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 15 seconds

• Use alcohol-based hand rub (should contain 60-90% alcohol) when you cannot see dirt on your hands

• Cough and sneeze into your sleeve or tissue. Throw the tissue in the Green Cart and wash your hands

• Stay home when you are sick

For more information on the flu including clinic dates and locations, visit, or dial 311.
