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Health in Oakville: Oakville Hospital Update

The Oakville Hospital at 3rd Line and Dundas Road is scheduled to open in December 2015 - two years away. So Old Oakville will have a couple of more years before it will be able to implement any plan for the current hospital grounds at Reynolds, Macdonald & Alan streets. The existing plan calls for a community centre with indoor pool, a park with a skate-board facility, detached, town houses and low-rise apartments. The other main structure in Old Oakville is Brentwood Public School - which is also scheduled to have either private public use and/or detached homes.


Oakville Hospital Fly Thru

Brantwood Public School was closed this year - but was that a smart move by the Halton District School Board, since the lands around the Oakville GO Station are expected to house up to 15,000 new residents - plus the residents that will be living on the redeveloped hospital grounds? This clearly indicates that the large number of children will be moving into the area. A child growing up in Condo developments was unheard of in Oakville is becoming a reality due to the high cost of  Oakville homes. Initially it is understandable why Brentwood was shuttered - but actually selling the land might be a serious mistake for the local board of education. They will have to find a new location to house all these new students in the next 5 to 10 years. New Central School - will not have enough space to house another 500 plus students.

Moving the hospital to its new location will have a major impact on who will be using the new hospital. For a number of residents living in South-East and North-East Oakville, Credit Valley Hospital will be easier to access. The new hospital will be called Oakville Hospital - but it is more likely to serve the needs of  North-West Oakville, South-West Oakville, North-East Burlington, South-East Burlington, and Milton. So will the hospital truly be Oakville's Hospital - it isn't likely. Will Oakville's wealthy residents continue to support Oakville's new hospital or will they start supporting Credit Valley Hospital - since people tend to donate where they go for support. Time will tell.

The logic behind location of the new hospital was due to the Ontario Government providing the land. The initial expectation was to purchase land at Trafalgar & Dundas. The original choice would have made more sense for Oakville residents - but money is always a factor in these issues. The government's land was infinitively less expensive. Hopefully, the town planners will have devised a plan which will make access to the new Oakville Hospital easy for all Oakville's residents whether they are needing to go there by public transit or car.
