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Town of Oakville Employment & Commercial Review

PlanOakville-planning-context-map-474x335 | Town of Oakville
PlanOakville-planning-context-map-474x335 | Town of Oakville

As part of the town's Official Plan Review, we are looking at lands that provide for local jobs, shopping and services. These lands are known as employment and commercial lands. Work has already been done to assess the current supply of these lands throughout the town, and the forecasted demand to the year 2041.

The next part of the review will be an assessment of the existing employment and commercial land use designations, including the range of permitted uses.

For lands within an employment designation, conversion to a non-employment land use designation (e.g. commercial) can only be considered through a municipal comprehensive review such as the Employment and Commercial Review. So-called "conversion requests" must be submitted by September 4, 2015.

Employment and Commercial Review

What is the future of employment and commercial land in Oakville?

The town periodically reviews the amount, size and location of lands designated to accommodate the long-term employment and commercial needs of the municipality. An appropriate supply of designated employment and commercial lands will make the town a balanced and complete community, maximize opportunities for residents to work in Oakville, and maintain a healthy tax base.

Designated Employment Areas are currently located on both sides of the QEW and Highway 403 and along the south side of Highway 407. Employment uses include offices, light/heavy manufacturing, warehousing and wholesaling, plus supporting service commercial uses.

Designated commercial areas are currently located at key intersections and along main streets and corridors. They are intended to provide a broad range of retail goods and services to serve the needs of local residents and shoppers.


As part of the town’s Official Plan Review, we are looking at the employment and commercial land use designations and policies in the Livable Oakville Plan and the North Oakville East and West Secondary Plans. A multi-disciplinary team led by Dillon Consulting Inc. has been retained by the town to lead this project.

Work has already been done to assess the town’s current supply of designated employment and commercial lands, and the forecasted demand to the year 2041 (see Open Houses, below). Next is an assessment of the existing employment and commercial land use designations, including their hierarchy, role and function, and the range of permitted uses.

The review will recommend changes to the existing employment and commercial land use designations and policies to meet the town's long-term needs and implement the Growth Plan. The extent that existing employment and commercial properties will be affected will depend on factors such as location, size and exiting land use designation, as well as the uses currently in operation.


A draft report will be available for review in the fall of 2015. The final report will be presented to Planning and Development Council in early 2016. It will be followed by official plan and zoning by-law amendments to implement the recommendations, as well as the Speers Road Corridor Study.

Open House

Open House Information – June 4 & June 16, 2015:

Project Overview (pdf, 494 KB)

Commercial Land – Preliminary Demand & Supply (pdf, 5 MB)

Employment Land – Preliminary Demand & Supply (pdf, 4 MB)

Comment Form (pdf, 57 KB)

The next open house will be held in the fall of 2015.

Conversion Requests

For lands within an Employment land use designation (in Livable Oakville or North Oakville East/West Secondary Plan), conversion to a non-employment designation (e.g., commercial) can only be considered through a municipal comprehensive review such as the Employment and Commercial Review. So-called “conversion requests” must be submitted by September 4, 2015.

Notice to Owners of Employment Lands (pdf, 126 KB)

Conversion Request Information Form (pdf, 171 KB)
