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Best Resume Ever: Oakville Recruiter

So you have decided to start spreading your resume around in the hopes of landing a new gig.  Excellent!  The market is waiting for you.

Your resume is your calling card and you need to do everything you can to make it attractive, accurate and edgy without being weird.

Croissant on a PlateHere are some ideas to get you started:

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • No spelling mistakes – print it and read it backwards word by word.  This will help catch those pesky typos.
  • Avoid acronyms – even people who work in your industry may not know what they mean.
  • Keep it searchable – use sensible phrases to describe what you do so people like me can find you.  I am probably not going to google “Head Wrangler” when I am looking for a Project Manager.
  • Tell the truth – it might not set you free but it won’t bite you in the ass after your reference check.
  • Make sure your personal phone number and email address are near the top – you would be surprised at how many people don’t put their email on their resume.  How will I contact you if you don’t?

Finally, throw some hobbies and interests at the bottom.  They offer insight into who you are and what you do when you are not at work.  But for heaven’s sake, if you say you are into French cooking, you had better be able to talk about soufflés and croissants or they will see right through you.
