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How to Freshen up your LinkedIn Profile

Here’s a great way to freshen up your profile on LinkedIn. Get some recommendations. This is especially true of you are trying to do something a bit different or gain some traction in a new area.

When I say recommendations, I don’t mean endorsements. I think endorsements are really just clutter. I am talking about actually asking people you know for a recommendation.

This is really valuable for students who are looking for their first job. If you have a recommendation from a Prof or a manager from a part time job, it really adds to your profile.

I think they are equally valuable for new Canadians or new grads who have done an unpaid internship or coop. A warm

recommendation from those managers gives you some real credibility.

It’s easy. You just go to your Profile page and click on the little arrow beside the Edit Profile button. Select Ask to be recommended and the fill in the rest of the boxes. Write a nice little note to your contact and then wait for the accolades to come back to you.

Here’s an even better way. Recommend someone else. Just pick a contact and go to their profile. Click the arrow beside Send a message and then add in your positive thoughts. They will feel so good that they will reciprocate in pretty short order.

So here’s your homework for today: give one recommendation and ask for two. It will be a worth while investment.
