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Money Check-up: Are you happy or stressed?

money check-up | Hush Naidoo
money check-up | Hush Naidoo

Happy summer!  I hope you’re managing to enjoy the good weather and remain cool!

Summertime seems to take on a different pace. We’re able to relax and think, because we aren’t overscheduled with work, extracurricular activities, and life.

So in this article, we’re going to talk about a money check-up. It is seeing our doctor every year.  I’m going to ask some questions. I encourage you to answer them honestly.

You can take the next few weeks and ponder these questions and your answers. There are no right or wrong answers.

Money check-up questions

On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you with your money situation? 10 being extremely happy.

  1. Are you able to put a little bit of money away each pay cheque for an emergency?
  2. Can you save some money for things you’d like to have or do?
  3. Are you paying off your credit cards in full every month?
  4. If you could think of one thing that’s stressing you about money, what would it be

If you’re feeling happy about your money and able to answer Yes to questions 2-4, that’s awesome!! Keep doing what you’re doing!

However, if you’re not feeling very happy about your money, or aren’t able to put money away for a rainy day or your goals, and/or cannot pay off your credit cards each month, then stay with me. We’re going to dive into the money chat.

How do you feel about money?

The first thing we need to figure out is how we want to feel about money.

I know that sounds a little hokey, especially if we’re feeling stressed but I truly believe that wherever our thoughts go is where the rest of our self ends up. Think about a time when you’ve been really stressed or upset and that’s all you think about.

When I’m like that it’s no surprise that that’s the way I keep feeling, and probably just a little worse for good measure. However' if I change my thoughts towards something more positive, things start to loosen up and I can be open to more possibilities.  Honestly, it’s the spiritual aspect of money.

But if we don’t get clear on how we want to feel, we’ll always end up where we’ve always been.

How do you want to feel about money?

So let’s go back to the question – how do you want to feel about money?  Personally, I want to feel at peace with money.  I want money to help me do the things like travel, volunteer and donate. Also, I want enjoy a good cup of coffee and read a delicious book!

How would you answer?

Once you know how you want to feel, ask yourself, why is this important to me?  Feeling peaceful about money is important to me, because I’m a better person, wife, sister, daughter, friend, and employee.

Conversely, when I’m stressed about money, I’m miserable.

What about you?

Spend some time thinking about this and notice what comes up for you. I encourage you to take a “curious” approach. This exercise should not increase your stress and anxiety.

Remember, it’s meant to be a  money check-up.

Until our next chat, what’s one positive thing you can do today to help your financial future? articles about Person Finance by Stacy Yanchuk Oleksy and you can follow Stacy on Twitter @StacyYO_CCS
