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More Job Tips for Grads – Take a Moment: Oakville Recruiter

Photo credit: woodleywonderworks / / CC BY Photo credit: woodleywonderworks / / CC BY

Photo credit: woodleywonderworks / / CC BY

When someone takes the time to speak with you about your resume, a job posting or gives you a referral, it would be good if you took the time to acknowledge them.

This is important because there is a perception that everyone under 30 is an ingrate. Also, it is polite, respectful and leaves the impression that you really are a classy and caring person.

There is considerable debate around whether the thank-you should be hand written or emailed. I don’t think it really matters. You can even call and thank the person. It’s truly the thought that counts.

You can throw a couple of notecards and stamped envelopes into your bag and then you have them ready to drop in a mailbox on your way home.

Or make a calendar reminder for yourself to call or email in two or three days.

Most people think thank you notes are just for interviews but they are not. If your friend’s mother gives you some tips, say thanks. If your neighbour connects you to a colleague, say thanks. You can even send a thank you note to the person who called to tell you that you did not get the job. After all, it was nice that they called to let you know.

Don’t slip up on this. It’s an important habit that if you develop now, will really help to set you apart over the life of your career.

Oh and hey – thanks for reading this.
