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Pinterest your Career

If you are actively or even not so actively looking for a new job, you know that it can get tedious.  It can feel like you are looking at the same postings day after day.  This is no way to get inspired.  It’s a pretty quick road to wine, scotch or a resume bonfire.

Oakville News PinterestHow about 

How about Pinterest?  Just head on over to  and throw your field/title/area of expertise in the search bar.

With a few clicks, I found marketing jobs, finance jobs and engineering jobs (although not too many of the later).

What was more interesting was the resumes, especially marketing resumes.  If you are looking for a fresh way to present yourself, look no further.  You might not want to so a super sexy infographic of your education, but you might see some other cool and inspiring ideas.  Type marketing resume in the search bar and see what’s out there.

If after 30 minutes or so, you don’t find any good career ideas, you can always figure out how to renovate your bathroom or decorate your house for Halloween.

You’re welcome.
