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Summer hiring: Job Journey

Summer | Ethan McArthur on UnSplash
Summer | Ethan McArthur on UnSplash

People always assume that hiring stops for the summer.

It’s not actually true. Lots of hiring managers want to have their new team members ready to start after Labour Day. That means interviews are going on now.

Summer is definitely a good time to keep an eye out for good job postings and network (ie cocktails, golf and concerts) like crazy.

But it’s also a good time to take a break. Put it all alway for a couple of weeks. Take some time to let your mind wander and live without a list for a few days.

So……taking my own advice….I’ll be out for the next two weeks living my life and not thinking about jobs (much).

Follow Laura Machan on twitter.  Read more articles on managing your career by Laura available on Oakville News.
