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Keto Bread Recipe

Chicken, green apple, brie and cranberry on keto bread recipe | Michele Bogle
Chicken, green apple, brie and cranberry on keto bread recipe | Michele Bogle

As early as 2,000 B.C. Ancient Babylonians may have been the first to make New Year’s resolutions. Unlike today, their year began during the first new moon after Spring Equinox, around mid-March when the crops were planted. 

During a multi-day religious spring festival known as Akitu, the Babylonians reaffirmed the loyalty and commitment of the reigning king to provide for the community through acts of humility. 

They also made promises to the gods to pay their debts and return any objects they had borrowed – promises that are antecedent to New Year’s resolutions. Babylonians believed that if they kept to their word, their gods would bestow favour on them for the coming year.

Like those before us, we make our New Year's resolutions that often include eating healthier and/or losing weight. Many believe that a keto diet, which is low in carbohydrates and high in fat, is an alternative to previous eating habits and will help them achieve their healthier eating goals.

The recipe below is a delicious lunch sandwich made of chicken, melted brie, lettuce, and green apple slices, topped with cranberry, on freshly baked keto bread.

Keto Bread Recipe

PREPARATION TIME   1 hr YIELDS   10 to 12 slices


8-inch x 4-inch loaf pan, measuring cup, parchment paper, standup or hand mixer, small mixing bowl, spatula, cake tester, knife, and a small heat-resistant dish to warm the brie



2 cups almond flour

½ tsp salt

1 tsp baking powder

3 Tbsp flax seed, ground

4 large eggs

½ cup butter, melted

½ cup water

Sandwich Filling for One

3 to 4 chicken slices

1 piece of leaf lettuce

3 Tbsp brie, melted

1 Tbsp mayonnaise

2 Tbsp cranberry sauce, whole berry


Step 1

Preheat the oven to 350℉. Line an 8 x 4-inch loaf pan with parchment paper for easy removal.

Step 2

Combine the almond flour, baking powder, and salt in a small mixing bowl. 

Step 3

Using a standup or hand mixer and a large mixing bowl, beat the flaxseed, eggs, butter, and water until frothy bubbles appear. 

Step 4

Add the dry mixture to the wet and mix until thoroughly combined.

Step 5

Pour the batter into the centre of the prepared loaf pan. Do not spread the batter into the corners to allow for additional height. Bake for 40 minutes or until the cake tester comes out clean.

Step 6

Lightly mix the mayonnaise and whole-berry cranberry sauce. Assemble the sandwich(es), topping it with cranberry sauce. Enjoy!
