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Events in Oakville: June 24, 2013


[events_list scope='2013-06-24' sc_id="sc1" sc_id="sc1"]
  • #_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES

  • [/events_list]


    Hot & humid. Oakville is starting off at plus 24 and will be topping off at plus  29. The humidity will drop off a little from 83 percent to 66 percent as we head into the afternoon. It will be adding an additional 8 degrees to the temperature. The chance of rain/thunderstorms is 60 percent this morning rising to 70 percent by this afternoon and dropping down to 40 percent by this evening. The wind is coming from the South-West at 20 km/h with gusts up to 37 km/h.

    • Air quality is moderate

    • UV index is high

    • Pollen count is moderate

    The sun rose at 5:37 AM and sets at 9:04 PM. So, you'll need to leave your house with an umbrella as well as sunscreen. Have a great start to the last week of June 2013.
