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Events in Oakville: November 12, 2013

Remembrance Day Ceremony | OakvilleNews.Org
Remembrance Day Ceremony | OakvilleNews.Org

Lest We Forget ;Photo Credit: Oakville News Lest We Forget ;Photo Credit: Oakville News


      [events_list scope='2013-11-12']
    • #_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



Minus 2 is what greeted me this morning as I turned on the seat warmers in the Edge. Even the water in the bird bath was frozen, so it appears Oakville is getting a little taste of winter. Today's high is expected to reach plus one. The wind will reach sustained winds of 25 km/h and gust up to 40 km/h, creating a wind chill of 6 degrees. On the good side, the sun is expected to shine from 7:09 AM to 4:55 PM. So get out the winter coat, hat, and gloves to enjoy this magnificent day in Oakville.
