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Events in Oakville: November 14, 2013

A touch of winter: Oakville News | Oakville News N.M.
A touch of winter: Oakville News | Oakville News N.M.


      [events_list scope='2013-11-14']
    • #_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



The South-West wind is bringing warmer weather to Oakville with today's high expected to reach plus nine. The wind speeds will continue to be strong through out the day with an average speed of 40 km/h  gusting up to 60 km/h creating a windchill effect of four degrees. This warming trend is expected to last several days. The temperature will dip down to plus 4 by this evening. There is only a 10 percent chance of precipitation, and the sun will be unhampered by clouds. The sun rises at 7:11 AM and sets at 4:53 PM giving us a beautiful late fall day in Oakville - Enjoy!
