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Events in Oakville: November 24, 2013

Snow Squall Oakville News
Snow Squall Oakville News


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    • #_EVENTLINK: {has_location}#_LOCATIONLINK: {/has_location}#_EVENTTIMES



Sunny but geez is it cold outside. Stepping outside will give you a chill at minus nine, but with the windchill it feels like minus 13. Even my dogs didn't want to stay outside for long, and who could blame them. There is only a 20 percent chance of precipitation, so snow shovels will not be necessary. However, you should prepare your a winter emergency kit to keep inside the car: blankets, candles in a deep container, water, energy bars, a whistle, a flashlight and a first aid kit. The sun rose at 7:24 AM and sets at 4:45 PM. Have a great day!
