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Socks, Socks, Socks, Socks Socks Socks!

Men's Fashion, stripped socks, | Photo credit: Eibx - Foter - CC BY

You know that song "Shot's" by LMFAO? Well, you miss heard them, they are actually saying "socks". Yep, I spoke to them and they confirmed it. Those fellows sure look like they would have some funky socks.

Speaking of socks, what do yours look like? Are they full of holes? Did you get them at Walmart? Are they all mismatched and sad? OR are you in the know? Your socks are nice, comfortable and fashionable.

I was introduced to this culture of unique socks a few years back when Holt Renfrew started carrying some pretty crazy prints. It occurred to me that this often over looked accessory was one of the keys to completing a look.

Below are a few tips on how to maximize your sock impact.

1. Match your socks to your pants

They real trick to looking well put together is having elements that work as a team. It's really very simple. If you have brown pants, your socks should be brown. If you have black pants, my goodness, yes, black socks! A common misconception is that your socks should match your shoes, but Michael Jackson shattered that theory didn't he!

Stripped Brown/white/blue/black socks

2. Be picky with your patterns

Just because your socks should match your pants, doesn't mean they have to be solid colours. As long as the most prominent colour in the sock is the same colour at your pants you are good to go.

Patterned Socks red/brown, black/grey, white/blue

3. Bonus Match

A real kick in the "I am more fashionable than you" pants is when you match a colour from your socks to a another detail in your outfit. The trick is that he chooses three items (ie. tie, sock and shirt) and each one has a little of the same colour.

4. Wildcard Jeans- Whats a guy to do?

I'm often asked what colour socks go with jeans. No,  you don't have to find the perfect shade of denim. My answer is always: WHATEVER YOU WANT JACK! Go nuts. When you are wearing jeans, they signify a more casual look, thereby allowing to do wear those beavers chewing wood, or dancing moustaches (side note- I'm bloody sick of moustaches, enough already)!

black and white polkadot socks with burgundy toes

If you missed the point of this article, it might be time to go buy a few pairs of new socks! Banana Republic has the best/most affordable nice socks to get your sock drawer singing "Socks, socks, socks, socks socks socks"
