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Mr. President - let’s take a walk - a curmudgeon's op-ed

library-of-congress-jPN_oglAjOU-unsplash | Library of Congress on Unsplash
library-of-congress-jPN_oglAjOU-unsplash | Library of Congress on Unsplash

I don’t know about you but I am wondering what it is going to take to perp walk this treasonous con-man out of the White House and into a cell. It would be poetry if it was the same one briefly used by Jeffrey Epstein. And just in case anyone thinks this is hyperbole, let’s visit the U.S. Constitution. Article 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

Perhaps we should break this down.

First you have to have an enemy. Well, Russia.

They interfered with the central tenet of a democratic system, the vote, by manipulating communications, hacking into Democrat Party’s private exchanges, buying ads on American media including Facebook and attempting to subvert electoral processes so as to affect the outcome of an internal election from the outside. Not enough, some say. OK. How about putting a bounty on the heads of American soldiers, to demoralize the American people.

Next you need actions that give aid and comfort to that enemy.

How about ratifying the enemy’s denials that he interfered with the 2016 presidential election. At Helsinki choosing his story over the fine work of America’s intelligence arm and the Fourth Estate? Then, through firings, demotions, placing cronies in high places, screaming “HOAX” whenever cornered, Trump undercuts any and every effort to reveal the truth.

Not enough?

How about calling the Russian’s bounty play a hoax after denying ever hearing about it, that it wasn’t credible blah, blah.

Not enough?

How about pulling twenty thousand troops out of Germany, item one on Putin’s wish list? How about knowing what he has done and still inviting him to the G7 and when allies/friends say NO, cancelling the G7.

Oh reader, you’re bored with this. Maybe the Pandemic will perk you up.

The richest country in the world with world-leading science, education, medical services and a free people has the worst record handling this virus on the planet…by far!

The best individual’s tool to avoid this disease is a facial covering. The president mocks facial coverings, mocks testing, mocks the gut-wrenching numbers, plans crowded, indoor events while implying that anyone who wears a mask to his event is a sissy. Then those folk share the virus among themselves and then take it home as a present for their aging parents and young children.

Whether Donald could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it is child’s play. There is no way to put a finite number of people who’s deaths make him guilty of manslaughter but it is likely in excess of 50,000.

Doing nothing is just as lethal when your occupancy of the highest office in the land is keeping someone more effective from being there. And I don’t mean the vice-president who has been lying about the pandemic every time he has opened his mouth.

The Republican senate, a toilet that needs flushing if ever there was one, just yawns and says, that’s Donald fer ya.

All the other arms of government, State, Defense, Justice, the courts, Homeland Security have been co-opted to his service and are useless in facing the most dangerous threat to the United Staes since the Cuban Missile Crisis, Donald J. Trump.

He has gone fully off the reservation and there are seven perilous months left.

I’m old enough to remember Al Jolson, who famously said, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

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