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Ontario Auto-Mayors Roundtable support government funding to the auto sector

Ford_Oakville_Assembly | Ford
Ford_Oakville_Assembly | Ford

The Ontario Auto-Mayors Roundtable support the federal and provincial governments’ investment of $101 million to Linamar Corporation, a parts and auto manufacturer, which is expected to create jobs in the sector.

Linmar plants do machining and assembly production precision metallic components and systems for the light vehicle motor train. Their Canadian Head Office is located in Guelph, Ontario.

This announcement signals the federal and provincial governments’ continued collaboration to support the auto industry, which is a vital component of Oakville's economy. Providing this funding for job creation is critical for long-term sustainability and growth, ensuring that Ontario continues to benefit from a competitive automotive manufacturing.

At the Ford Assembly plant in Oakville workers produce about 250,000 plus vehicles per year which include: the Edge, Flex, Lincoln's MKX & MKT.

Foreign governments are using increased subsidies and incentives to compete for the development of new facilities which also threatens investment in the maintenance and expansion of existing Canadian automotive facilities. As a result, financial support from the provincial and federal government is vitally important to keep the auto sector competitive and keep automakers in Canada. The Centre for Automotive Research estimates that one job in an automotive assembly plant supports ten jobs in the broader economy. Funding support in the auto industry through provincial and federal incentives is something the Ontario Auto-Mayors Roundtable have strongly encouraged to ensure ongoing private investments are made in Canada’s automotive industry.

The Ontario Auto-Mayors have met several times to discuss and explore how to attract automotive investment in Canada. They continue to emphasize the need for a national manufacturing auto policy among all levels of government to protect and grow this sector.

About the Ontario Auto Mayors Roundtable

The Ontario Auto-Mayors work collaboratively at the provincial and federal levels to promote awareness, advocacy and strategic policy initiatives to strengthen the Canadian economy by keeping the automotive sector strong as a driver of employment, innovation and productivity advances across the Canadian economy so we can afford to look after all our needs as a society such as infrastructure creation and renewal.

For more information about the Ontario Auto-Mayors, please visit