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Spider-Man: Far From Home - Movie Review

Spider-Man | Columbia Pictures
Spider-Man | Columbia Pictures

How do you move on from Endgame? How do you come back from creating the biggest cultural story event of all time? A daunting task to be sure. But Sony knew the answer: Just make Spider-Man do it.

Spider-Man: Far From Home is not only a good movie, not even just a great movie. It is the perfect conclusion to the first big Marvel Cinematic Universe storyline. As a warning: the rest of this review will contain spoilers for Avengers: Endgame

Shortly after the events of Endgame, Peter Parker is back to school and getting excited for his vacation. He’s got a plan to win the heart of his dream girl and nothing’s going to get in his way. Except for some pesky Elemental monsters that cause destruction around the world. Will Peter ever get to have a normal life?

To start things off, just like its predecessor: Spider-Man: Homecoming, this film is first and foremost a comedy. There are some gut busting jokes in the movie that also provide interesting twists and viewpoints on previous big Marvel movie events (One visual gag in the high school is particularly clever).

Spider-Man |  Photo: Columbia Pictures
Spider-Man | Photo: Columbia Pictures

The story isn’t all jokes and tom foolery either. There is also a touching emotional story that focusses on Peter just being a normal kid. Great questions to ponder from the story like what’s more important: your normal life or your responsibility to help others? A classic Spider-Man staple.

Carrying the weight of the story on its shoulders is the phenomenal acting. Tom Holland continues to show he’s the best live action Peter Parker out there, Jake Gyllenhaal showcases some serious chops as Quinten Beck. There are so many great performances in this film all around.

The film just knows what a Spider-Man movie should be. It knows exactly what audiences are looking to see and gives you that, and then some. More Peter, more high school drama, and of course, more Spider-Man.

To address the elephant in the room, why is this what comes after Avengers? Well simply put, it is a nice epilogue and smaller scale story to bring us back off our Endgame high. It closes out this book, showcasing Spider-Man as the new headliner for the inevitable second one.

Everyone can come see this and have a blast. Though Spider-Man fanatics, comic book, and comic book movie enthusiasts will have lots of little nods and Easter eggs throughout to push their enjoyment to the next level.

Spider-Man: Far From Home is the perfect wrap up the first series of the MCU while also providing us solid reasons to look forward to what’s coming.

Spider-Man: Far From Home

9.5 out of 10.

2 Hrs 10 Mins. Comedy, Action, Adventure.

Directed by Jon Watts

Starring Tom Holland, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, and Samuel L. Jackson.

Now playing at Film.Ca Cinemas, Cineplex Winston Churchill, and Cineplex Oakville & VIP. Also in IMAX