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Oakville MPP Stephen Crawford is proud of the Ontario Government’s success in bringing manufacturing investments and jobs back to Ontario

MPP Crawford credits bold leadership and strategic investments for driving Ontario’s economic resurgence

Frustrated by the loss of 300 thousand well-paying manufacturing jobs under Ontario’s Liberal government, Stephen Crawford decided to take a bold step in 2018, by leaving his successful senior investment manager position in the private sector to dive into the world of provincial politics.

For Crawford, it wasn’t about a career change; it was about a deep sense of responsibility to do something about manufacturing plant closures and job losses. He says, “As someone deeply connected to the financial world, I saw the impact these losses were having, not just on the economy, but on families, communities, and the future of our province. And I knew things could be better.”

With a firm belief that strong leadership and economic vision could turn things around, MPP Crawford went to Queen’s Park, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a passion for revitalizing Ontario’s economy. 

A robust economy starts with an educated workforce

To tackle labour shortage, the Ontario government has invested $1.4 billion to train workers skilled in the trades. Crawford says, “The $1.4 billion investment in skilled trades is like a powerful engine driving the province’s economic growth. The labour shortage was slowing down projects and stalling economic progress but our government’s investments in the skilled trades has changed the game.” 

By funding apprenticeships and training programs, Ontario is not only filling the skills gap but also opening doors to thousands of individuals to pursue rewarding and lucrative careers. Crawford adds, “We’re also promoting skilled trades opportunities to marginalized groups that previously didn’t consider going into the skilled trades. These are high-quality jobs.”

Ontario isn’t just building bridges, roads, and public transit, it’s constructing a future where skilled trades are recognized as vital to our province’s success, ensuring that Ontario remains competitive on a global scale.

The government is also investing in STEM, to equip students with skills in science, technology, engineering, and math, preparing them for high-paying jobs, and fueling innovation across industries. With a strong STEM foundation, Ontario can lead in fields like AI, biotechnology, and clean energy.
Seeing record investments 

The previous Liberal government discarded manufacturing in favour of focusing on the service economy. But MPP Crawford is proud of his government’s accomplishments in luring manufacturing investment to Ontario. He says, “Today, our government is bringing manufacturing back to the province. We’re attracting record investments in electric vehicles and batteries and creating good quality jobs. This was one of the issues I felt strongly about when I entered politics.” 

Ford Canada is making huge investments in its Oakville assembly plant to build the popular F-150 pickup truck and promising further EV production in the near future. Because of Ford’s lead, other parts suppliers are also making significant investments in southern Ontario. Crawford says, “I think you’ll see a lot more investments from parts suppliers over the next five years, which will not only create jobs but keep well-paying jobs in Ontario.” 

Dana Canada, a leading manufacturer in drivetrain and electric propulsion motor systems, recently announced a $60 million investment to expand the company’s manufacturing capacity of thermal management systems, a key component for EV batteries and electronics. The expansion not only creates 105 jobs in Oakville and Cambridge but also boosts Ontario’s electric vehicle and broader automotive supply chain. Crawford adds, “This investment showcases Ontario’s auto industry’s ability to meet the rising demand for electric vehicle production in North America. It’s also evidence that we are creating the right conditions for economic growth.” 

As the automotive heart of Canada and one of the largest auto manufacturing hubs in North America, the dramatic growth of Ontario as a major player in the automotive field is marked by over $27 billion in transformative EV investments in the past three years. 

On the right path

Ontario is setting the stage for a thriving economy, creating a magnet for investment and job creation. With a focus on education, innovation, infrastructure, and skilled labour the government is creating an environment for business to flourish.

Crawford says, “We’re certainly on the right path. When we took office in 2018, Ontario had the most regulations not only of any province but of any sub-national government in the world. We’re trying to reduce regulations that are inefficient and hampering businesses while ensuring our health and safety regulations remain strong.” 

Caring for the most vulnerable

The Ontario government isn’t just focused on economic growth, it’s also deeply committed to caring for our elderly population. The government is building 30 thousand additional long-term care beds including two new facilities in Oakville.

Crawford says, “We have shovels in the ground right now. The new homes are expected to open next year and will provide modern, safe, and comfortable places to live for 640 residents.” The government is also increasing the number of hours of direct care each resident will receive. 

Looking to the future

When MPP Stephen Crawford decided to step into public life, it wasn’t just about creating policy, it was about securing a brighter future for his wife and four young daughters and all Ontarians. He saw the challenges six years ago, but he knows that Ontario remains a land of opportunity, growth, and prosperity. 

Stephen Crawford is rooted in a deep sense of responsibility, not only to his own family, but to every family across Ontario. He says, “I’m committed to economic growth and ensuring that Ontario continues to be a place where dreams can be realized. Our government and I want to make decisions today that will shape a more prosperous tomorrow.”  


Get in touch with MPP Stephen Crawford at (905) 827-5141, via email ([email protected]) or visit his Constituency Office at Unit 1 – 74 Rebecca Street, Oakville.  You can also connect with him online.