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LETTER: Canadians' poll responses don't Trump U.S. political reality

'The typical Canadian has a completely off-base view of the political situation', reader says
Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

Oakville News received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Gregg Andrews, in response to POLL: Despite U.S. polls, most expect Biden's re-election

I don't know why your poll article doesn't have the typical comment/feedback section at the bottom. While the results are not much of a surprise, although it is instructive to see the variation by age group, there is no research nor cross-reference as to where Canadians responding to the poll form their opinion on who is going to win.

How many are students of U.S. politics? Most Canadians are going to get news from CTV or CBC, plus main-stream print media. All of these are leftist and anti-Trump except for Post Media and certainly not all of their team is pro-Trump.

Furthermore, the vast majority are getting U.S. TV news from traditional channels, or CNN, or (with an aghast look) MSNBC, the latter of which is so far off the deep end, they have no sense of reality.

I am understanding that CNN is modifying their presentation ever so little now – perhaps due to the undeniable failings and decline of Joe Biden. Main-stream media doesn't even show this stuff.

In other words, the typical Canadian has a completely off-base view of the political situation. If you go back to 2016, you would have found similar results with Canadians convinced Hilary Clinton would win – probably even more so.

For me, I knew Trump was going to win in the late stage of the campaign. I was somewhat unsure until we travelled to the U.S. just prior to election day. Then, it was obvious to me and I was a consumer of FNC back then as well.

The other thing you don't know with your poll is how much the question is answered by what the respondent wants to happen versus what they think will happen. Trump is going to win this election, barring some unforeseen big thing.

Gregg Andrews