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LETTER: Government lacking in adequate action on climate crisis

'The province's reliance on fossil fuels is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbating the climate crisis,' reader says
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Oakville News received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Kevin Fitch-Jones, in regards to the climate crisis: 

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the climate crisis in Ontario and the lack of adequate action from our government to address this critical issue.

As a student, I have always been committed to finding solutions to the challenges we face, and the climate crisis is one of the most pressing ones.

I am concerned about the rising cost of living because it seems like every month, I'm paying more for the same basic necessities. The constant price increases are taking a toll on my household budget, and I'm not alone.

According to recent reports, Ontario has some of the highest electricity costs in the country, and it's not just a matter of affordability – it's also a matter of environmental impact. The province's reliance on fossil fuels is contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and exacerbating the climate crisis.

I am concerned about climate change because it's not just an environmental issue, but a human rights issue. Rising temperatures are already affecting vulnerable populations, such as low-income communities and Indigenous peoples, who are disproportionately affected by extreme weather events and air pollution.

As someone who cares deeply about social justice, I believe it's our responsibility.

Kevin Fitch-Jones,
Oakville, Ont.