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LETTER: We need a federal heat pump program

'It’s time for our federal government to step up and implement this common sense solution by providing heat pumps for all,' a reader writes
A heat pumps can replace a home's furnace and air-conditioning system.

Oakville News received the following letter about heat pumps.

As the cost of living continues to spiral out of control, many Canadians are struggling to keep up with rising utility bills. A Universal Heat Pump Program could provide significant relief. By offering free heat pumps to heat and cool every household, we could drastically reduce energy costs across the country. Heat pumps are far more efficient than traditional heating and cooling systems, meaning they use less energy and save people money.

This program wouldn’t just benefit homeowners. Renters, who are often facing the greatest economic hardships would also benefit under this initiative. With built-in tenant protections, the program would ensure that landlords can’t raise rent to cover the costs, allowing everyone to benefit equally. In these difficult economic times, this kind of relief is sorely needed.

Just look at PEI where a Free Heat Pump program had a huge impact on reducing energy poverty across the province.

In addition to the financial benefits for households, heat pumps offer life-saving cooling for homes making them much more resilient to extreme heat events like the ones we saw this summer.

It’s time for our federal government to step up and implement this common sense solution by providing heat pumps for all.

Izaiya Schuster, Burlington