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The Myth of the Forever Job

Pink Egg Carton with Golden Eggs | erix!  -  Foter  -  CC BY
Pink Egg Carton with Golden Eggs | erix! - Foter - CC BY

Let me just put this out there: there is no such thing as a forever job. Too many people, candidates and hiring managers alike keep talking about this idea.

Candidates tell me that they are looking for their last job until they retire. They want to settle in and have stability.

Hiring managers are rejecting candidates because they might not stay in a role for five or more years.

Get your head out of the sand, people.

The world is changing and so is work. The Canadian work landscape changed dramatically just last week and there is more change ahead. Can we predict it? Not really.

In realistic terms, we should not be looking for a job or an employee for life. We are looking for a role where we can learn, grow, develop and contribute while we earn a living. That’s about what it boils down to.

When you are examining your job prospects, these are the factors to consider:

  • Is there room for you to expand your skills?
  • Are there opportunities to move into other roles?
  • Will your contribution add value to the company?
  • Will that value be a point of pride for you?

Hiring a managers need to consider the same factors.

  • Can this person grow beyond the role they are hired for?
  • Will they add value on day one, day thirty and day ninety?
  • Will you be proud to take the credit for hiring them?

We need to stop looking at five to ten year employment windows. Think about what you were doing ten years ago. Could you have predicted that people would be earning tons of money developing ipad apps in their basements? Or blogging about their dogs?

Keep your eyes on the horizon and your resume ready because you never know what’s around the corner.
