Have you ever dreamed what would it be like to have a movie theatre all to yourself? Now there's a way to do that in Oakville, with the town's first movie theatre built especially for you and only you.
Earlier this summer, Film.Ca Cinemas opened their first new public movie screen at the theatre called "Cinema 7" - a special movie theatre screen made for exclusive use and private parties and events.
Offering brand new seats for up to 16 people, premium amenities and lots of options for both new and classic movies, Cinema 7 is a really special experience. The rental cost is admittedly expensive (maybe slightly too much), though the quality of the theatre is flawless.
Beyond having a private screen, there are several other special luxuries offered for guests in Cinema 7:
- Upgraded stadium theatre seating
- A special, dedicated entrance and private lobby
- Private washrooms
- A personal snack bar with drinks and treats for sale
- Exclusive movie memorabilia decorating the private lobby and theatre
The experience begins with the cinema and lobby being accessed from a staircase near theatres #3 and #4 at the cinema. Once upstairs, you have exclusive use of the lobby, snack bar, washrooms and screening room upstairs for the duration of your rental.
The private lobby with easily accessible food and drinks for purchase is very cool - not to mention all the Hollywood memorabilia decorating the space (including a real clip of film from the original 1977 Star Wars!)

There are two basic options to rent the theatre: you can bring in your own movie from home to watch with your group, or you can watch a brand new movie playing in other screens at Film.Ca.
For all rentals, the theatre costs a flat rate $250 plus tax to watch one movie up to 2 1/2 hours long. If it's a newly released movie exclusive to public cinemas, you'll also have to pay regular admission prices on top of that ($6-10 per person) and there's an extra $100 charge per additional hour using the space.
Building the new theatre was inspired by the increase of private rental and parties through summer 2020 and 2021 after theatres re-opened after long closures from the pandemic.
"We saw this growing demand for private rentals because of COVID-19," says Film.Ca Cinemas CEO Jeff Knoll. "More guests started this so people could socially distance, but it turned into a really special event."
That's where the idea came from to build a new screen made exclusively for private rentals and parties. And in the process, they've built (in the opinion of this writer) the best new entertainment venue in Halton.
"The equipment in Cinema 7 is the best we could get," said general manager Jason Speers. "The projector, screen and surround sound are the same we use in all the other theatres in the building."

Should you book a night at Cinema 7?
A few weeks after opening, Oakville News (and the author of this article) was invited by the Film.Ca Cinemas team to come be among the first to try the new experience in Cinema 7.
One on hand, the experience is outstanding. As Halton Region's movie critic and arts reporter, I'm going to the movies 3-4 times per week. I'm familiar with every screen not just in Oakville but in Burlington and Milton as well, and there's no question in my mind that Cinema 7 is the single nicest theatre anywhere in Halton. (Yes, even nicer than the Cineplex VIP cinemas.)
The rental cost, however, makes it prohibitive to individuals and small groups. And if you're seeing a new movie, the added cost of admission is even higher. So in some cases, Cinema 7 is an incredible experience that will be a great time for everyone. In others, the price per person is just too high.
Let's look at two examples: first, would this be a fun date night? Including food and taxes, it's hard to justify spending over $300 for just two people to have a night at the movies. In that case, Cinema 7 may not be for you.
But what about for a birthday party? Bachelor or bachelorette? Or a large family get-together? These are a much better use for the theatre.
Having a special event in Cinema 7 are best when you have a large group to enjoy it. (Especially if you have friends or family visiting from out of town; this Oakville-only venue is definitely not something you'll find anywhere else.) With a group of 10-12 people, the price per person is much more reasonable $20-30 each, and it's absolutely worth that and then some.

Make no mistake: Cinema 7 is the single best place in Halton to watch a movie. It's a very cool experience that really makes you and your friends and family feel like celebrities, making it a really special night out.
This is no ordinary screen like you have at home: it's a real projector screen that's of the same quality used in the other five screens at Film.Ca Cinemas. The sound system, seating, projector and screen are all of the same calibre as those in the public auditoriums, and in some cases, it's even better.
For anyone looking for a really special, local and unique thing to do, Cinema 7 is a terrific night out.

You can learn more about booking Cinema 7 and submit a request online here.
Editor's note: Oakville News was invited to try this new offering and did not pay for this experience. This story is not sponsored by Film.Ca Cinemas and views and opinions of the writer remain independent.