It has been two months since the Malkis lost their son due to a sudden car accident, yet they are still discovering the depth of his kindness.
One such glimpse into that revealed itself during a recent talk with Milton District High School principal Pamela Jenkins. Turns out, Adam had extended his giving nature to three fellow students with autism – “They said ‘We don’t have anyone to check on us (anymore); we don’t have any friends except Adam.”
Also unbeknownst to his family, Adam’s good-natured routine would see him search for MD’s custodial staff each morning to help push the cleaning cart – or simply offer a high-five start to the day.
"He cared about the world. He would give you the shirt off his back or his last dollar to make sure you were okay. The things I’ve heard that he has done for people in the school and community were breathtakingly amazing," said mother Heba Malki.
Looking to carry on that legacy of compassion, Adam’s family is now establishing a memorial scholarship fund in his honour – and seeking the community’s support to help bring it to life.

Partnered with the Halton Learning Foundation for the initiative, the Malkis already have some dedicated family friend backers for the campaign.
Among them is Daniel Marujo, whose twin teen sons had a close bond with Adam from a young age.
“I can only hope that his legacy will live on forever because in such a short time he has touched the lives of so many and left a massive footprint in the community around him,” he offered.
For the first year the Adam Malki Memorial Scholarship Fund has an initial goal of raising over $25,000, and the scholarships will be open to students attending Milton District High School.
The scholarships will be in three separate categories – spanning the scope of the avid football player’s passions and virtues.
They will include:
- Difference Maker
- Sportsmanship Award
- Built to Lead (for trades)
The last of these pays tribute to Adam’s time working alongside father Rachid Malki with the family’s Burlington-based Domilya Group Construction Inc.
Having honed his skills over the last several summers, Adam had helped build one Habitat for Humanity home and was in the middle of completing another when the accident struck.
The Malkis derived the company name from the names of their two children - Doma (Adam's nickname) and older sister Amilya.
“He wasn’t just a son. He was honestly our friend,” said Heba, who often refers to Adam in the present tense – which speaks to the relationship between him and his parents that’s described as “utterly amazing.”
His impact was also deeply felt on the football field, where he forged brotherhood friendships, as well as in the construction classroom – with his expertise and enthusiasm inspiring numerous peers.
Heba hopes to have the funds in place for an initial scholarship presentation this spring. The goal is to continue the fund for as long as possible to not only carry on Adams' legacy but also help the underdog students accomplish whatever their hearts desire.
Those wishing to contribute can do so on here on the website.
“We want to carry on his legacy for compassion and selflessness,” said Mom. “He was a person who greeted everyone with warmth and encouraged the underdog, and brought people together in ways that left lasting impressions. Adam’s impact was immeasurable.”